From the hills of Pennsylvania comes a string quartet with Lithuanian roots

The Kalnas Ensemble

The newly formed Kalnas Ensemble is a string quartet focusing on Lithuanian musical roots, exploring compositions of Stanley Chepaitis with improvisatory overtones, as well as performing standard quartet repertoire. The ensemble is a diverse group of multi-talented individuals with a commitment to engaging audiences with a dynamic approach to live performance. In addition, their wide spectrum of knowledge and interests allows them to offer workshops and other interactive presentations that enhance the meaning and experience of the music they perform.

Words of Praise: Reviews and Testimonials

"I was impressed by how the ensemble was creating new music using the traditions of the Lithuanian people. I think it is important that any culture looks back.... but also brings that history forward. The Kalnas ensemble did a great job of looking forward by looking back."
Michael Polich
Cultural Anthropologist
"Your compositions and the musical performance of the ensemble were really lovely. Also, your discussion, which helped illuminate the connection between the music and Lithuanian culture, was captivating."
James Garren
Attorney & Workshop Participant
"I had the privilege of knowing Marija Gimbutas. I know how much her Lithuanian Heritage meant to her. She would have been delighted to hear the old Sutartines that she studied woven into these excellent new jazz compositions! Very innovative and creative."
Participant in the Symposium on Marija gimbutas
Presented by The International Society for Women and Myth

Our Work

The Kalnas Ensemble is a string quartet that explores Lithuanian music and performs standard repertoire with a dynamic approach. They also offer workshops and interactive presentations to enhance the meaning and experience of their music.